(607) 341-7264

    PO Box 128 Chenango Bridge, NY 13745

    (Sundays @ 10:00am)
    Regal Cinema - 900 Upper Front St.
    Binghamton, NY 13905


    NyPenn Trade Center
    435 Main St. Room 19
    Johnson City, NY 13790

    Tues-Fri 10am-5pm


We have 10 core values that we hold on to at Two Rivers Assembly…

[accordion collapse=”yes”] [panel title=” GOSPEL TRANSFORMATION ” ] We believe that life change best occurs when we depend on the conviction and leading of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives rather than man centered programs and lists of rules.  Gospel transformation can be measured by the change in your actions from serving and loving yourself to tangibly loving God and loving others.  In other words: Gospel transformation = selflessness not selfishness [/panel] [panel title=” INCARNATIONAL EVANGELISM ” ] We value the presence of Jesus in our programs above all else.  When you visit we want you to say, “God is really among you!” Incarnation means that Jesus left his perfect home to live with us in an imperfect world.  Wherever Jesus went he brought life and wholeness, transforming lives with his love.  Following the example of Jesus through incarnation means: 1. We will go to where people are rather than wait for them to come to us.  2. We will personally exemplify Jesus in our daily context in word and deed. 3. We will work to bring transformation to the world around us through the selfless love Christ exemplified. [/panel] [panel title=” GIFT ORIENTED MINISTRY” ] We believe in helping people not only understand their gifts and talents which God has given them, but also to create opportunities in which they can use them to make a difference towards transformed lives. So get involved & watch how God can use you! [/panel] [panel title=” EXCITING SPIRITUALITY ” ] We believe there is no more exciting life than the life of faith. Growing in faith means that you are growing and maturing spiritually. Participating in Deeper at the River, getting involved on a Transformation Team, and participating in a tGroup are great ways for a person to meet their full spiritual potential. [/panel] [panel title=” FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE ” ]We believe in being strategic, innovative and functional in our approach to ministry. It is our belief that it is the message–not the method–that is sacred. We always evaluate our ministry programs to make sure they serve a functional purpose. [/panel] [panel title=” AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY ” ] The power of real community in God’s family is breathtaking. When God’s people experience Acts 2 authentic community, the church is an unstoppable force.  We believe that life change does not happen solely in the context of weekend services but in real and authentic relationships.  Therefore, we value authentic Christian community as one of the highest priorities in life and believe that every person should be involved in a transformational relationship. [/panel] [panel title=” INSPIRING CELEBRATION ” ] We believe the creative arts come together in the form of worship, music, relevant teaching, drama and more to create an irresistible environment that bring glory to God. [/panel] [panel title=”EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP” ] We believe in equipping every person and then helping them find their best area in which to serve others that will result in transformed lives.  We are intentional about developing leaders to go into all the world with the Gospel message. [/panel] [panel title=” THE NEXT GENERATION” ] We believe that the next generation can do better than the last.  We are committed to strategically reach, grow, and teach our children and students.  From training them in character growth, to interaction with the entire family, to just having fun; we are committed to helping family life at Two Rivers Assembly be all it can be with God as the focus. [/panel] [panel title=” RADICAL GRACE ” ] We are unique.  We make mistakes.  Our mistakes help us to realize our need for God.  As we pursue God we are transformed in spiritual community.  Because of what we learn from our mistakes each imperfect individual adds value to the spiritual community.  We all need space to grow.  Radical grace allows everyone the freedom to make mistakes and gives space for everyone to belong no matter how they look, talk, act, smell, or vote. [/panel] [/accordion]