(607) 341-7264

    PO Box 128 Chenango Bridge, NY 13745

    (Sundays @ 10:00am)
    Regal Cinema - 900 Upper Front St.
    Binghamton, NY 13905


    NyPenn Trade Center
    435 Main St. Room 19
    Johnson City, NY 13790

    Tues-Fri 10am-5pm


If you are new to Two Rivers Assembly…

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We’re So Glad You’re Here!

Thank you for visiting the Two River Assembly website. Our hope is that you will come be a part of all God is doing in people’s lives. We know that Jesus came to give us abundant life and our desire for you is that you would experience real life found only in Jesus.

We’d love to help you find out more about church and find ways to get involved that fit you personally.  We have set up a special environment that meets directly after the Sunday Experience for just this purpose.

We call it, “GROWTH TRACK”

GROWTH TRACK is designed for people who are new to TRA and have questions about the church, or maybe have been around for a while and want to be more involved.

Will & Crystal Hampton

Lead Pastors

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We believe that God doesn’t want to fight & argue with you, but to be in conversation and community with you. We believe that he intensely desires every person to search for him. We believe people can indeed seek out and find God, because he is not far from anyone. And at the same time, he is also relentlessly pursuing you. We believe that God wants to connect you to the story of redemption he has been writing for the world.

This story of his is of a rebirth. Not simply fixing what was broken, but  completely replacing what “was” with something new. We believe God has given all of us a place in this story; in community both alongside him and amongst each other. Our places in this story look different, because we are different. But we are all in this story, on this journey, together. Belief in God is not the end of that journey, but merely the beginning.

What we believe about God is at the very core of what we believe about ourselves, each other, and the whole world. Ultimately, everything in existence is part of this one great story.

We believe God inspired the writers of the Bible to speak to people of all generations, including this one.  The Bible was written as a sort of road map to help us along our journey. God calls us to engage this road map both individually and with others; in fact perhaps the best way to figure the map out is to have many pairs of eyes looking at it together. We learn about the story thus far, and our place in it today, from the Bible.

We believe that in the beginning, what God created was good. Humanity was created to be in community with God, each other, and all of creation. But through our own mistakes, darkness and evil entered into the story and are now a part of the world. This devastating event led to our relationships with God, ourselves, others and creation being fragmented — a shadow of what they were meant to be — and in desperate need of redeeming.

We believe God did not leave us behind to wallow in our mess. Instead he promised to heal this broken world. As part of that process of restoration, God chose a people to act on his behalf: Abraham, and his descendants. God promised to bless them collectively as a nation so that through them all other nations would be blessed. In time, this nation called Israel became enslaved in Egypt and they cried out to God for deliverance. God heard their cry, and he answered their prayers. He saved and led his chosen people out of Egypt, giving them both purpose and identity. They were to be a holy people, God’s treasured possession as a nation of priests to the world. Despite near constant unfaithfulness on the part of Israel, God refused to abandon them.

God prepared and led his people to the promised land. Their favour from God was interwoven with their mission to represent God to other nations. They made steps toward their purpose, but time and again they failed. They allowed foreign gods into their culture, ignored the poor and oppressed among them, and abused foreigners in their lands; despite once being poor, oppressed and abused in a foreign land themselves. God spoke to his people through the prophets, re-enforcing his heart for the poor, the needy, and the down and out. We believe God cares deeply and passionately for the marginalized and oppressed among us today, as he did then.

Through Israel’s continued disobedience, they rejected God’s plan for them and were no longer interested in serving their part. They returned to exile in another foreign land, like before in Egypt. But there was always a handful who remained hopeful to a restored kingdom of God; where justice and peace would reign over oppression and brutality.

We believe that hope was realized in the person of Jesus Christ, the living God invading our world as part of humanity. Jesus came to preach good news to the poor, to heal and comfort the broken hearted, to announce a new arrival of the kingdom of God, to restore our fractured world. As God once rescued his people from Egypt, Jesus came to set all captives free forever. His message was a breath of fresh air to those who were enslaved by the systems in place. Likewise, his message was rejected by many who wished to hold on to the status quo as he stood up to the oppressive nature of both the religious elite and the Roman empire. Because of this confrontation, Jesus was made an example of.

We believe Jesus’ path of suffering, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection is what brings life to all of creation. Jesus is our only hope for returning to a peaceful relationship between God and humanity. Through Jesus, we have been forgiven, and restored to full community with God. Because of this, God is now likewise restoring us to each other, ourselves and creation. Jesus calls for his followers, his church, to be a blessing to the rest of the world. Through his spirit God fills us with gifts, guides, comforts, counsels, and directs the church to be an expression of himself in the world.

We believe when the church gets it right, it is the hope of the world. We believe the church should be a breath of fresh air as Jesus was, instead of oppressive as the empires which fought against him. We believe God blesses the church so that we in turn can bless others. The church is a global movement following Jesus’ example for us through love, peace, sacrifice and healing as we embody the resurrected Christ–who lives in us and through us–to a broken and hurting world.

We believe there will be a day when injustice no longer exists, and all things will be restored to God’s original desires. Jesus will return to his creation, and God will rule forever. All of creation’s pain will disappear, and God will live among us in a restored world. On that day there will be no more oppression, no more violence, there will be no more death, and God will wipe away all our tears. Our relationships with God, others, ourselves, and creation will be whole. All will finally be as God intends.

This is what we long for.

This is what we hope for.

And we are giving our lives to living out that future reality, now.

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