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November 6 – The Vote

Scripture: Ezekiel 14:12-16:41, Hebrews 7:18-28, Psalm 106:1-12, Proverbs 27:4-6

For the law never made anything perfect. But now we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God.

(Hebrews 7:19)

Observation: I just did a quick sampling of my facebook feed, within the last hour I had 33 status updates that had something to do with voting. Even as I counted, the page kept scrolling downward telling me that more updates were coming in. If I were to go back an hour further, there would have been just as many more, and the hour before that…

Unless you live under a rock, or don’t have internet, TV, radio, and refuse to talk to anybody today, it is clear that election day is happening in America and its kind of a big deal. But it isn’t really. Three months from now, someone will be in office, roughly half the country will be glad and the other half will be blaming him for everything that goes wrong over the next four years. A few laws might get passed. A few others might not. But laws do not change culture. Try as hard as we might, America has never been that good at legislating morality. For that, we need revival.

Application: Don’t get me wrong, we should go out and vote. God has called us to be good citizens and in America obedience to that calling means voting. It isn’t just a right or a freedom, it is a responsibility. I won’t even say that one candidate is more right than the other. God has placed certain issues dear to our hearts and the issues, or calling, that motivates me is different from those that motivate you. That might mean that for me, being obedient to God means I am voting for someone different than you are, even though you are being just as obedient.

What I am saying is that we should not, we cannot, we must not place our hope in the outcome. Our hope comes from God. No matter who comes into office, they are the man God has on America’s “throne” for this hour and we have an obligation to intercede for him. We must also remember that all the power of all the kings throughout all time are nothing more than dust on scales compared to the greatness of our God. He ultimately is the One on the throne.

Prayer: God, I pray now for both candidates and for all those running for other offices throughout our country. I pray that whoever You raise up to power would be led and motivated by what is right, not by what is expedient or popular. I pray against any bitterness that might rise up in those who voted for the losers. Most of all, I pray for Your Church. She, through Your Spirit, is the one who will bring about the change we so desperately need in our country and I pray You would cause her to rise up and fulfill her calling.