(607) 341-7264

    PO Box 128 Chenango Bridge, NY 13745

    (Sundays @ 10:00am)
    Regal Cinema - 900 Upper Front St.
    Binghamton, NY 13905


    NyPenn Trade Center
    435 Main St. Room 19
    Johnson City, NY 13790

    Tues-Fri 10am-5pm

[imageeffect type="shadowreflection" align="aligncenter" width="542" alt="He Hears" link="https://www.tworiversassembly.com/tworiversassembly2014/2013/06/28/he-hears/" url="http://tworiversblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/crying-boy.jpg?w=640&h=465" ]

He Hears


Read: Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22, Luke 8:4-21, Psalm 69:19-36, Proverbs 12:2-3


The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people. (Psalm 69:33)


crying child


Relate: The character Adanna in the novel Scared is inspired in part by a few different stories of real victims and in part by the plight of literally millions in similar circumstances. One of those true stories is of a girl who, at eleven, is left an orphan who is also responsible for her younger brother and sister. The three survive on the charity of others, but in a community of extreme poverty where tragedy is commonplace that generosity soon dries up. The three are slowly and steadily starving.


The real Adanna had heard of some men who might help her, but she had also been warned against going to them. These men trade sex for food. For a long time she avoids it but help from other sources is becoming harder and harder to come by. Finally, she and her younger siblings have gone for a week without food and there is no other choice. She wanted to remain pure but what good is purity when you are dead? She goes and these men beat her and abuse her for hours before finally sending her home with a couple days worth of food. They also sent her home with AIDS.


All her neighbors know immediately what has happened and even the smallest chance of any future help from them is gone. In three max Adanna will be dead… a statistic marking the tragic stories of millions like her. Until that time she is a sex slave. She’s a victim whose very daily bread is dependent on the whims of animals who mistakenly think themselves men.


React: The Lord hears the cry of the needy and does not despise His captive people? Do we? If every American tithed 1% of their annual discretionary spending (extra money, not actual income) we could meet the global food and sanitation needs of everyone on our planet. Let me put it another way, if we spent one dollar for every thirty we spend at restaurants… problem solved. How much have I spent eating out in March? How much have I given towards the 15 million children who will die of hunger this year? What have I given towards those who, like Adanna, face the choice of slavery or death?


Respond: [videoembed type=”youtube” width=”660″ height=”440″ shadow=”shadow-xsmall” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ0LfmWM4KE” id=”0″]


God, when I get up from my knees, don’t let me go back to a normal life. Don’t let me sit here and read… and write about such a desperate need and then do nothing. My tears, my prayers are an important start. But they are a start. Let me not finish, let me not be content until You return and justice is served. Until then, help me to bring Your coming Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.