(607) 341-7264

    PO Box 128 Chenango Bridge, NY 13745

    (Sundays @ 10:00am)
    Regal Cinema - 900 Upper Front St.
    Binghamton, NY 13905


    NyPenn Trade Center
    435 Main St. Room 19
    Johnson City, NY 13790

    Tues-Fri 10am-5pm


The Thirteenth Tribe (1/17/13)

Read: Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, Proverbs 3:21-26

These are the names of the twelve sons of Jacob: (Genesis 35:21)

Relate: There’s twelve sons but there’s actually thirteen tribes of Israel. In a few chapters Joseph is going to be sold into slavery, then raised up to the role of VP (vice Pharaoh). He’s going to have a couple sons and then be reunited with dad and his brothers. His two oldest boys are Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob blesses them and they become two of the twelve tribes of Israel. Do the math. 12 kids – Joseph + E&M = 13 tribes. But everywhere in the Bible it always speaks of 12 tribes. How does that work?

Well, when the land is being divided, it is Levi that gets left out. He’s the priestly tribe and his inheritance is the Temple, not land. Later on, when the nation divides it is Simeon that gets left out. His land was originally inside the land given to Judah and by that point it no longer existed as an independent tribe. In Revelations it is Dan that doesn’t make the list.


React: So why do Levi then Simeon and later Dan not make the cut? We’ll read the reasons for Dan in Judges but the short of it is that they rejected the land God wanted to give them and instead (through idolatry, deception and murder) stole their own land. The reason for Simeon and Levi was seen in the last chapter. Circumcision was a part of the covenant between God and Israel. It was what made them unique and was a visible sign that they had been set apart. It should have been something that made others desire to join them. Instead Simeon and Levi abused it as a means to get revenge. Rather than being respected and honored, the children of Israel became detested and feared.

That’s great but what does any of this have to do with me? I am a child of God. I can stand secure in that fact. But that security does not give me a right to irresponsibility or a license to sin. Like Dan, I have the tendency to try to do things my way rather than accept and live in the blessings of God. Like Simeon and Levi, I run the risk of taking that which sets me a part from the world to push the world away rather than to point them to God. Does the way I speak and interact with those around me cause them to want to know the God I serve? The Church, by the world, is viewed as hypocritical, self-righteous, and judgmental. Am I helping to change this perspective or am I part of the problem? They should know I’m a Christian by my love. Do they? Or when the final tally is counted will I be part of that thirteenth tribe? Will I be one of the ones who doesn’t count?

Respond: God, keep me. I have the tendency to wander. There is so much in me that still needs to come under the authority of the cross. Take my pride and give me instead Your love. Take my greed and self reliance and help me instead to trust You. When the world looks at me, don’t let them see me greed, my pride, hatred, or condemnation. Let them instead see You through me. And let them want more.