(607) 341-7264

    PO Box 128 Chenango Bridge, NY 13745

    (Sundays @ 10:00am)
    Regal Cinema - 900 Upper Front St.
    Binghamton, NY 13905


    NyPenn Trade Center
    435 Main St. Room 19
    Johnson City, NY 13790

    Tues-Fri 10am-5pm


October 8 – Course Corrections

Scripture: Jeremiah 10:1-11:23, Colossians 3:18-4:18, Psalm 78:56-72, Proverbs 24:28-29

I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die. Jeremiah 10:23-24

Observation: 1) He was an actor who decided he was never going to make it in the field so he gave up and became a carpenter. 2) She was an international woman of mystery, working for the CIA in countries like Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and China. She burned out at 36 and went back to school… cooking school. 3) He worked at a deli, and since that wasn’t the most lucrative of jobs, he also moonlighted as a movie theatre usher. 4) He was an outlaw on the run. In a tight spot he pretended to be insane, drool and all. It worked and he got away. 5) She was a stockbroker who decided she was more suited to the domestic life. At age 32, with her husband, she bought a beat up old farmhouse in Connecticut. 6) He was a high school principle. At 34 he walked away from that to help lead a rag tag group of insurgents. 7) He was being groomed for politics… until he committed murder. At age 40 he ran off to the desert to be a shepherd. 8) He wasn’t accepted at West Point and dropped out of college after a semester. Tried and failed as a farmer, saw mill operator, mail room clerk and running a clothing store.

1) He was working on a stage set when they needed someone to step in and read some lines. Harrison Ford volunteered to help and was given the role of Han Solo. 2) At 39 she began teaching what she had learned in school and Julia Child’s cooking career was born. 3) Watching people watch movies for him wasn’t enough. He decided to make movies for them to watch. In 3 days, Sylvester Stallone wrote the script for Rocky. 4) King David continued running, for about 25 years total… until Saul died. Then he himself became the greatest of Israel’s kings. 5) That burnt out stockbroker turned that beat up old farmhouse into an interior designing masterpiece. She decided she was pretty good at that and Martha Stewart decided to help other people with their interior designing as well. 6) That former high school principle led those insurgents on the now famous long march. Sometime during that march they named themselves the Red Army and later fought their way to power under a former principle named Mao Tsedung. 7) At 40 Moses ran from Pharaoh’s court into the desert. At 80 he returned to help lead millions of Israelites out of slavery. 8) For 38 years he flitted from one career to the next before finally running for and becoming a judge. Ten years later he became Senator, then Vice President, then President Harry S Truman.

Application: All these people were into their thirties or well beyond before even beginning to do those things they are now so famous for. How often do we feel like a failure because we haven’t yes found the niche God has been creating for us? Have we felt that we are too old, or too set into our ways to stop and start something new? Is the change you are thinking of too drastic to try? (Too drastic like an international spy becoming a cookbook creator?) Do the dreams you have seem too impossible for you to accomplish? (Like a deli counter employee becoming the lead actor in not one but two of the greatest “guy movie” franchises in history?) Remember, your life is not your own. You aren’t able to plan your own course. Let God correct, or redirect, your path. You might be surprised at what He has in store.

Prayer: Take some time to just listen. Ask God to direct Your thoughts and then dream of what He might be calling You to do. Grab a pen and write it out. Don’t worry about how impossible or unrealistic it might seem. God is a lot bigger than your doubts.